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6 master class
6 master class

Thu, Sep 01


Online Masterclass

6 master class

Week of 6 Master Class with specialists.

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Time & Location

Sep 01, 2022, 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Online Masterclass

About the event

Week of 6 Master Class with specialists. 

1. Therapeutic Suits within the new models of therapeutic care.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Texas time 6:00 pm

By Claudia Gutiérrez. 

Physiotherapist, graduated from FUMC Colombia, specialist in growth and development from the Hospital Italiano University Institute of Argentina, with training in: Kangaroo Mommy Plan from the Colombia kangaroo foundation, Basic Neurodevelopment by the European Assoc. of Bobath tutors, Advanced Neurodevelopment of babies by the American Association of Neurodevelopment, Feldenkrais method, intensive method of theratogs, therasuit and Pediasuit treatment, infant massage instructor certified by the American Association of Infant massage IMUSA, PediaSuit method instructor for Latin America and Spain, with 20 years of experience in the treatment of children, director and founder of Kyrios Suit. National and international speaker.

2. Neurophysiology of postural control and its dimensions.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Colombia time 6:00 pm

Texas time 6:00 pm

By Karol Susana Velasco Vargas

Speech therapist - Neurodevelopmentalist - Mg. Human Development and Education - That. Intellectual Development - Ent. Sensory Integration (EP) - Counselor LM - University Teacher - Manager EDUK Training in Health and Education.

3. Stability challenges for postural control in children with neuromotor disorders.

Sunday August 28, 2022

Spain time 8:00 pm

Texas time 1:00 pm

By Lourdes Macias PhD, MSc, PT

Pediatric physiotherapist, Doctor in physiotherapy, honorary president of SEFIP, National Coordinator of the European Academy of Children with Disabilities.

4. Motor control in the sitting position.

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Colombia time 6:00 pm

Texas time 6:00 pm

By Bertha Brunal Soto

Pediatric physiotherapist graduated from the Mexican Institute of Rehabilitation and the National University of Colombia, with training in Neurodevelopment at the Bobath Center in London, advanced course for babies certified by the European Association of Neurodevelopment and trained by the American Association of Neurodevelopment, training intensive method of Pediasuit treatment in the USA, with more than 30 years of experience in the treatment of children, director and founder of the Aconiño Association in Colombia for 30 years. National and international speaker.

5. Therapeutic strategies using Kyriossuit.

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Mexico Time (Torreón) 6:00 pm

Texas time 6:00 pm

By Mariafernanda Gomez

Pediatric Physiotherapist. Mg in early care from the University of Malaga in Spain, Basic and advanced Bobath NDT Certification for babies, Basic and advanced Pediasuit, She has participated in the coordination and creation of neurorehabilitation centers, University teacher and creator of Neuro-Ser Mexico, national speaker and international.


Thursday, September 01, 2022

Argentina time 7:00 pm

Texas time 5:00 pm

By Lic. Veronica Raggiardo

Occupational therapist. University professor, Professional Ontological Coach, Therapist in NDT BOBATH children and adults, Trained in IS, Trained in CONCEPTO CNB DR BRONDO, Pediasuit basic, advanced and baby certification, International instructor for Pediasuit in Spanish, creator and general director of the LUZ rehabilitation center neurology in Argentina.



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