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We are dedicated to delivering the most accessible service possible, which is why we have created a collection of questions and answers. If you still have questions, don't hesitate to contact us.
What materials is Kyrios Suit made of?Kyrios Suit is composed of 3 layers of fabric, which synergize and are compatible, guaranteeing the actual ventilation process. These are: Textile mesh and Lycra (elastane and polyamide) With an impregnation process with micro-capsules of active ingredients specially designed to deliver different benefits for skin care and health, as well as Textile protection against the growth of fungi and bacteria, avoiding the bad smell caused by sweat and humidity, providing greater confidence, a feeling of freshness and cleanliness. It can be easily used without special precautions. GINKGO BILOBA It is anti-inflammatory, anti-allergenic and recognized for its ability to produce and regenerate collagen in the skin and cells. Microcirculation stimulant. It tones the skin, and helps treat diseases such as eczema and psoriasis. It is also known as a skin firming and oxygenating agent. MARINE ALGAE-ALOE VERA They help reverse the effects of stress, pollution and bad eating habits that damage our skin. They improve lymphatic and blood circulation. They revitalize and firm the skin, oxygenate, detoxify the skin and restore its moisture levels. They promote tissue regeneration and activate cell metabolism, re-mineralize, hydrate, purify and nourish. They improve the texture and tone of the skin. Vitamin E It is an antioxidant that helps the body fight free radicals that make us age. Helps protect the body against environmental hazards such as pollution and overexposure to sunlight, helps regenerate the skin, improving elasticity, especially in sensitive skin or exposed to surgical processes, helping scarring. The anti-inflammatory properties help the skin in its natural regenerative process. It is especially useful for reducing scars after surgery. It also provides natural protection against ultraviolet rays and their negative effects. Comfort Fit, Powernet, Elastic fibers that provide greater elongation and recovery of the shape to provide a better fit, freedom of movement and a comfortable feeling during use. Spacer® Technology Three-dimensional, light and flexible fabric that allows air flow, dissipating body temperature and transporting moisture to keep you cool and comfortable. It does not deform with use and successive washing, it is easy to care for and dries quickly. These components were chosen for their design to help the child's delicate skin to tolerate contact and make continuous compression more pleasant, regardless of temperature, if it is cold it maintains the child's body heat to the movement and if it is hot they are activated plus its microcapsules to guarantee a fresher skin, while promoting circulation, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it avoids allergies due to prolonged contact. DO NOT USE IF THE USER HAS ALLERGIES TO ANY OF THESE COMPONENTS: ginkgo biloba, seaweed-aloe vera and vitamin E
Who can use Kyrios Suit?For patients with: • Postural changes. • Movement disorder of neurological or orthopedic origin. • Sensory disturbance. (users with sequelae due to PCI diagnoses with their representations of spastic diparesis, hemiplegia or hemiparesis, ataxia, athetosis, different types of syndromes that affect muscle tone such as Down syndrome, Edwards among others, Autism, sclerosis, scoliosis postural or structural, among others) Kyrios Suit is made with anatomical stockings to promote postural control and regulate muscle tone. They are designed to deliver sensory information (a dynamic compression) to the body. Kyrios is a dynamic postural and sensory orthosis, it is used to reduce and manage abnormal postural tone in some pathologies such as: Infant cerebral palsy. Hypotonia Down Autism Congenital orthopedic deformity. Idiopathic scoliosis. Movement disturbances of brain origin (acquired) Spinal cord injury. Cerebellar ataxia. Spina bifida Cerebrovascular accident / stroke Multiple sclerosis Dystonia
How does Kyrios Suit work?When we talk about postural musculature or movement musculature, for example, in atypical children or with brain injury, they begin to make use of their movement system to assist their postural control, but since they do not have it, due to their type of injury, it is necessary to make this differentiation, since they need proximal support (trunk) stable enough to achieve all their required activities in their daily life and it is here, where the use of postural suits is supported to support the postural system and thus promoting the movement system. Kyrios demonstrates its greatest effectiveness in atypical children by promoting proximal stability (trunk) and on the postural muscles to help the child make postural adjustments with less energy expenditure during therapies, allowing a more pleasant experience that can be repeated constantly until you learn it. Download our informative brochure by clicking on the following link: Spanish version English version
How to take the measurements?We offer you a table so you can check the size for your child and its equivalence according to the Kyrios design. Use a CENTIMETER tape measure to measure the contours to exact centimeters, don't leave extra centimeters to make it bigger and last longer, as the real effect of Kyrios needs an exact measurement in these contours, being the minimum and maximum possible size, the numbers written here in each box. SEE TABLE Measurements for children and babies: Adult measurements: How do I know if it is the correct size?
How does Kyrios Suit help posture?THE POSTURAL MUSCULAR SYSTEM is made up of muscles whose objective is to maintain the posture against gravity, since they are located deepest, close to the bone or joint and have great power of co-contraction, performing a sustained activity to provide stability and resistance. The tactile stimulation and reinforcement on these muscles allow us to stimulate alignment in the trunk, and provide the maximum opportunity for the user to activate all this postural musculature more easily and experience straightening reactions that allow them to promote balance in their postures. Kyrios, through its micro-perforated meshes and the deep compression that they exert on the body, manage to give stimulation that also supports us in this aspect, providing support to this musculature, especially in the reinforcement areas located in a cross on the the posterior part, on the serratus major muscle, rhomboids, intercostals and part of the multifidus and in the anterior part on the oblique abdominal muscles and part of the intercostals. These muscles of the postural system have the following function: • Maintain posture against gravity. • Give stability to the joints, to help weight bearing. • Prepare our stance in anticipation of a move. • Activates the support base in anticipation of movement and during movement adjusting to changes in position.
How long is it recommended to wear Kyrios Suit?As much as the user wishes, Kyrios Suit functions as an exoskeleton and while it provides containment, support and comfort, the trunk provides security to carry out and enjoy activities of daily living.
Can it be used in water?Kyrios Suit can be used as an adjuvant in any therapeutic process and thanks to the compression it exerts on the postural muscles, it will give the user more security to be able to enjoy the therapeutic effect of water in their hydrotherapy, or why not on a pool day with your family.
My son already does therapy in a therapeutic cabin with another suit. Can you use Kyrios Suit?Of course YES, Kyrios Suit does not seek to displace the suits used by therapists in their intensive treatments inside the therapeutic cabin. On the contrary, Kyrios Suit can be used as a helper in the process, for example: • Before an intensive protocol treatment so that the user adapts to the deep containment stimulus, before starting his treatment. • After the treatment of the intensive protocol so that the user manages to maintain the effect and objective achieved in the treatment. • And Kyrios suit can also be used in your maintenance protocols.
Can I as a parent buy a Kyrios Suit?Of course, Kyrios Suit is designed so that parents can use it in their children's daily life and more now, with teletherapy or telemedicine processes so that they can perform more adequately therapeutic activity. Kyrios Suit DOES NOT NEED PRIOR TRAINING.
Any precautions to take into account?Kyrios Suit should fit snug and may leave some marks for the first few days (particularly around the neck and armpits). These should disappear 30-40 minutes after removing the garment. If the marks remain for more than 30-40 minutes, do not increase the time of use and consider it with the therapeutic team.
What are the instructions for washing and care?-Wash by hand with cold water, or in a washing machine on a delicate cycle. -Do not mix with other garments. -Avoid contact with rough and scratchy surfaces. -Do not use iron or dryer. -Use neutral soap -Do not twist -Dry in the shade in a ventilated place. -When used in a swimming pool, wash with plenty of cold water. -The greatest effect of microcapsules is guaranteed before 30 washes. After this time, the suit will continue to provide its compression and reinforcement and the user is expected to adapt to the material to maintain their postural objective.
How to purchase a gift card?Go to They select an amount, enter the details of the recipient and pay. After completing the purchase process, you will receive an email confirmation about the purchase. The recipient of the gift card receives an email with the subject "You just received a gift card from Leandro Casas" (with the corresponding name). The unique gift card code appears in the email. How customers redeem gift cards: To redeem the card, the recipient goes to the store. During checkout, select the Redeem a Gift Card option and enter your unique gift card code. If the sale price is greater than the value of the card, customers can pay the remaining cost using their usual payment methods.
Do you have special packages for clinics or physiotherapy centers?Yes, we currently have the KYRIOS SUIT 3 PACK where you can purchase 3 Kyrios Suits with a discount of $15 USD per suit. At the moment it is only possible to buy with this discount if you buy in multiples of 3, that is: three, six, nine... suits. To do so, go to: https://www There you will find the discounted product. If you wish to acquire more packages, just modify the quantity: And write the sizes you want to purchase in your package: If you have any questions about it, you can write to us via whatsapp and one of our advisors will guide you through the process.
Can the Kyrios Suit be used if the patient has a gastric button?Yes, as shown in the video. There is no impediment to using Kyrios if the patient has a gastric button. We just have to take care NOT to use the suit in the digestion process because the understanding it exerts can hinder said process.
How is Kyrios used in conjunction with the diaper?
Should the suit be worn all day?It depends on: *On the child's sensory, motor, and physical needs. *On the specific purpose for which it will be used. *On the indications of the health professional recommending the use of the suit. *On the child's response to the use of the suit, tolerance, and sensory response (sensory habituation).
Are there cases in which these suits are contraindicated?The use of the suit has some PRECAUTIONS for use but no contraindications, among them, are: *Gastrostomy with the long tube on the outside. *Tracheotomies. *Children with respiratory distress who do not tolerate chest containment.
Is the protocol of use the same for all children?No, that is why it is essential to be in the hands of a therapist specialized in the area. It is important to remember that all children behave differently in front of the use of the suit, their sensory and motor response is different.
How much pressure or containment should the suit have?The recommendation is that the suit should contain but not generate excessive pressure that may restrict movement. It is recommended that it be checked by placing a hand between the suit and the child's body to make sure it is not too tight.
My child has cerebral palsy, she has never had an intensive plan and I want to know, will the suit work for her?It is essential that your child is evaluated to determine the benefits of the intensive plan, the use of the Kyrios suit during or after the therapeutic session will be a specific recommendation of the therapist who evaluates and treats the child. Undoubtedly, Kyrios is created to promote trunk alignment through muscular and sensory activation, which may benefit your child.
What about children who are non-functional, how does it help a patient with cerebral palsy? We are clear that it helps posture but, how much can it help?The containment that the suit offers in the trunk allows the alignment of the trunk, which facilitates the use of the upper and lower limbs with greater ease. In addition, having an aligned body allows the other senses to develop and function more efficiently.
Does it work for children with scoliosis?While Kyrios Suit can be used as part of a comprehensive treatment approach for some children with scoliosis, it is important to note that it is not a single solution for the treatment of that condition. Kyrios Suit may offer some benefits for children with mild to moderate scoliosis by providing support and properly aligning the trunk. Strategically placed seams can help improve postural alignment and promote better spinal alignment.
For a child with hypotonia, who does not have a cephalic support and is using a gastrostomy without a long tube, is it recommended?Yes, as Kyrios is a therapeutic restraint suit that provides support and stability in the trunk and extremities, which can help improve posture and body alignment, and can help the child to better hold the head in a vertical position and improve control over their neck and head, HOWEVER, it is important to keep in mind that the Kyrios Suit is not a definitive solution to address hypotonia or lack of cephalic control. It should be used as part of a more comprehensive treatment approach.
I have a 9 month old baby with down syndrome, at what age can he start wearing the suit?According to the algorithm of the therapeutic strategies guide for children with hypotonia of central origin, compression garments are recommended from 7 months of age.
About us?Kyrios Suit LLC is a company legally incorporated in Texas, USA; The Creator of Kyrios Suit LLC is a Colombian Physiotherapist with 18 years of experience in caring for children with training in different methodologies recognized in the environment such as: Kangaroo Mother Plan and early intervention in the Neonatal ICU ( Fundación Kanguro - Colombia) Feldenkrais (Asoc. Mexicana Feldenkrais) Neurodevelopment by NDT (EBTA), Advanced Neurodevelopment in Babies, Sensory integration, motor learning and gait training certified by the NDTA, Mobilization of soft tissues, neuromuscular tape, Therasuit method ( USA), Postgraduate in Intervention in the neurodevelopment of premature children, Theratogs Method and being Commercial and Academic Coordinator of Pediasuit where at the same time she is Instructor of the Pediasuit methodology in Spanish for Latin American countries, she was able to learn more about the needs not only of the children if not of the parents and the therapists. A professional who, from the beginning of her professional practice, has always been restless in providing certain supports or external help to her patients, encouraging parents to create different experiences, to potentiate their treatments, which is why I always seek to train in everything available in this regard and provide the best advice to the parents of these children. This Creator named Claudia Gutiérrez, moved to live in the US and being there away from her professional practice, she spent 3 years dedicated to her children and her family, and to supporting the Pediasuit Latin America program in teaching some certification courses in Latin America, in addition to From this I dedicate (during the Covid 19 pandemic) to shaping a dream and project that I had in mind for a long time and it was a postural suit that parents could use, after doing intensive neurorehabilitation treatments, with friendly materials with children's skin and that they tolerate it for longer to be able to use it during their therapies and daily life. That's how part of my free time in recent years was dedicated to perfecting her invention model, drawing, experimenting with materials, thanks to the opportunity provided by the pandemic and online meetings, I was able to make a team with people from her entire trust starting with the advice of a well-known brand in intellectual property law who led a group of professionals in industrial design, materials engineering, dressmaking designer, among others to be able to professionally capture their posture suit prototype, the which, after being tested by some Physiotherapist colleagues from their country, and demonstrating once again its therapeutic use, was then when, by writing a monograph with scientific technical support, technical data sheets and ready prototypes, I managed to file the requirements for the patent of Kyrios Suit and thus guarantee parents and professionals a quality product.
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